DUAL Now Offers Property Limits Up to NZD50,000,000!

We are excited to announce that DUAL can now offer property limits of up to NZD50,000,000 for any one location!

NZ -  Property eDM BANNER FINAL - 07.24-V3-1


NZ -  Property eDM body - 07.24-1a-1

We have managed to secure greater capacity for commercial property accounts. We can now accommodate up to NZD50,000,000 at any one location for lower hazard risks. We have also obtained increases in the medium and higher hazard risk classes.


NZ -  Property eDM body - 07.24-2a-1

We have obtained more capacity for the regions right across the country, including in the Wellington and Canterbury regions.


NZ -  Property eDM body - 07.24-3a-1

Our coverage spans nearly all sectors, including commercial landlords, primary producers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and trades. Plus, we can place higher hazard and special risks into the London market – such as recycling risks, wreckers, scrap metal dealers plus many more.


NZ -  Property eDM Body BANNER - 07.24-2-1


1. Comprehensive Protection

2. Expert & Responsive Underwriting Team

3. Tailored Underwriting Solutions





Hayden Chapman



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