Stay up to date with the latest DUAL New Zealand news and industry insights

16 September 2024

Did you know that DUAL offers cover for complex General Liability risks?

We have a high level of technical...

16 September 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of our latest speciality lines business product, Warranty & Indemnity...

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Stay updated about DUAL news as it happens
30 July 2024

Discover the Benefits of Specified Replacement Value (SRV) for Your Property Insurance Needs

Back in February, we...

16 July 2024

Hello, motor enthusiasts and industry professionals,

4 July 2024

We are excited to announce that DUAL can now offer property limits of up to NZD50,000,000 for any one location!

1 July 2024

Kia Ora,

Our recent Professional Indemnity webinar with DUAL's Adam Weal and Ava Sucu, along with Partner Ben Sanders...

28 June 2024

Welcoming Ed Birrell to DUAL Asset's Title Insurance Team

After the successful launch of our Title Insurance offering...

28 June 2024

Discover our WebRater Offerings - May 2024

28 June 2024

Quick Links and Resources for Statutory Liability Product Insights

16 May 2024

We're thrilled to introduce a brand-new business line from our specialist title insurance team, DUAL Asset, spearheaded...

15 May 2024

Discover the crucial role comprehensive insurance plays in shielding businesses from unexpected liabilities with our ...